170933760003/02/24 |
Tropical Marxism: Rethinking Marxism in the Shadow of Empire |
171538560005/11/24 |
Capitalism and Its Outside: Profit, Expansion, and the Necessary Excess |
Lauren Berlant 3CT Graduate Student Conference
168324480005/05/23 |
Ethics and Nature in a Time of Crisis |
168091200004/08/23 |
Science & Liberalism |
168212160004/22/23 |
Power over Life and Death: Feminism, Abolition, and the State |
Lauren Berlant 3CT Graduate Student Conference
166691520010/28/22 |
Global Anti-Gender And Anti-LGBTQ+ Politics: Historical Continuities, Transnational Connections, Contested Futures |
165602880006/24/22 |
Global Authoritarianisms |
New Global Authoritarianisms
165006720004/16/22 |
Attachment Issues: Psychopolitics and the Everyday |
Lauren Berlant 3CT Graduate Student Conference
163607040011/05/21 |
What Does Lauren Berlant Teach Us About X? |
161438400002/27/21 |
Antipolitics: From New Anarchisms to the Alt-Right |
Lauren Berlant 3CT Graduate Student Conference
114436800004/07/06 |
Politics, Piety, and the Futures of Faith |
117529920003/31/07 |
Communicating Legitimacy: Putting Democratic Practice and Representation in Context |
120916800004/26/08 |
Conditions of Settler Colonialism |
121219200005/31/08 |
Social Theory and Social Transformation: A Conference in Honor of William H. Sewell, Jr. |
122368320010/11/08 |
Conference Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Imagined Communities |
126835200003/12/10 |
After Europe: Postcolonial Knowledge in the Age of Globalization |
127258560004/30/10 |
Politics in Africa: A Re-examination on the 70th Anniversary of African Political Systems |
127440000005/21/10 |
Worlding, Writing: On Making New Genres |
Worlding, Writing
129142080012/04/10 |
Global Crisis: Rethinking Economy and Society |
130412160004/30/11 |
The Lives of Things |
Object Cultures Project
132027840011/03/11 |
Losing It: Families, Chaos, and the Arts of Attention |
132295680012/04/11 |
Critical Historical Studies |
History, Social Theory, and CapitalismCritical Historical Studies
133488000004/20/12 |
In a Rut: The Arts of Non-Sovereignty |
Worlding, Writing
133557120004/28/12 |
Jim Crow America: A Problem in Historicization |
133669440005/11/12 |
Francois Ewald, Pat O'Malley, and Caitlin Zaloom |
The Future of Risk Symposium |
135302400011/16/12 |
States of Suspension: Politics & Histories, Aesthetics & Affects |
135552960012/15/12 |
Trans-Science Conference |
136702080004/27/13 |
Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Work |
History, Social Theory, and Capitalism
111542400005/07/05 |
Theorizing Globalization: Contemporary Perspectives |
111291840004/08/05 |
3CT Inaugural Symposium: Theorizing the Present |
Theorizing the Present
136883520005/18/13 |
The Arab Uprisings: Politics and Ethics in the Present |
Generational Change
136883520005/18/13 |
The History and Politics of the Anthropocene |
Climate Change
138265920010/25/13 |
Invisible Designs: New Perspectives on Race and American Consumer Capitalism |
Object Cultures Project
139233600002/14/14 |
Whole Worlds: Systems of Affect, Capital, Aesthetics |
139475520003/14/14 |
Digital Peripheries: Internet Activism and Surveillance in the Mediterranean |
140011200005/15/14 |
Salvage 1.0: A Conference / Conversation / Caucus on Behalf of the Act and the Art of Salvage |
Object Cultures Project
141652800011/21/14 |
Concussions, Commotions, and Other Aesthetic Disorders |
142862400004/10/15 |
Imperial Transformations: Ecology, Bureaucracy, and Ritual in the British Atlantic, 17th-20th Centuries |
143346240006/05/15 |
Salvage 2.1: Reanimation |
Object Cultures Project
142983360004/24/15 |
Salvage 2.0: Meanings / Material / Value |
Object Cultures Project
144313920009/25/15 |
Salvage 3.0: Built Space |
Object Cultures Project
144797760011/20/15 |
Words Unofficial: Gossip, Circulation, Mediation |
152789760006/02/18 |
The Soup Is On: Experiment in Critical Practice |
Worlding, Writing
150733440010/07/17 |
Conspiracy/Theory Conference |
150966720011/03/17 |
Not Reading: 2017 English Graduate Conference |
146249280005/06/16 |
Gender|Publics|Panics in the Global South |
147951360011/19/16 |
Concrete Happenings: Conserving Industrial Materials and Processes in Art |
152599680005/11/18 |
Emmanuel Pratt, Ilze and Heinrich Wolff, and Michael Sorkin |
Urban Space |
Materializing the Future
155926080005/31/19 |
Speculative Design: Post-Petroleum Utopias |
Materializing the Future
149091840003/31/17 |
Mobilizing Gender: Secularism, Nationalism, and Remaking Europe |
149333760004/28/17 |
Civil War: Discord Within |
155511360004/13/19 |
Capitalism and Social Theory: a Conference in Memory of Moishe Postone |
History, Social Theory, and Capitalism
155208960003/09/19 |
Ayesha Jalal, Arshad Khan, and Pamela Philipose |
South Asia: The Political, The Public, The Popular |
155027520002/16/19 |
The Legacy of Moishe Postone |
140071680005/22/14 |
Chris Boebel and Christine Walley |
Exit Zero: A Sneak Peek |
Generational Change
154059840010/27/18 |
Silencing the Past @ 25 |
145644480002/26/16 |
10 Years of Theory |
Theorizing the Present
157196160010/25/19 |
For the Many: On the Prospects of a Multiracial Populism |
Global Crowds
146309760005/13/16 |
Salvage 3.1 |
Object Cultures Project