3CT Inaugural Symposium: Theorizing the Present
Friday, April 8, 20059:00am — Breakfast
9:15am — Welcome and Introductory Remarks on the Intellectual Project of the Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory (3CT)
Jean Comaroff, 3CT Director & Anthropology, University of Chicago
9:45am — “Global Imagination”
Susan Buck-Morss, Government & Visual Studies, Cornell University
Chair: Lisa Wedeen, 3CT Fellow & Political Science, University of Chicago
Discussant: William Mazzarella, Anthropology, University of Chicago
12:00pm — Lunch
1:00pm — “Reflections on the Historical Present”
Harry Harootunian, History & East Asian Studies, New York University
Chair: William Sewell, 3CT Associate Director, Political Science, and History, University of Chicago
Discussant: James Chandler, Franke Institute Director & English, University of Chicago
3:15pm — “Life, Race, and Sovereignty”
Achille Mbembe, History & Politics, University of the Witwatersrand
Chair: Dipesh Chakrabarty, 3CT Fellow, History, and South Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago
Discussant: Lauren Berlant, English, University of Chicago
5:15pm — Concluding Remarks
John Comaroff, 3CT Fellow, Anthropology, and Sociology, University of Chicago
5:30pm — Reception