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exterior view of Foster Hall through tree branches

Fellows in the News: Fall 2023

Map of the globe with shading and lines to represent the transatlantic slave trade.

Democracy and Empire in Du Bois’s International Thought

Sylvia Wynter and the Decolonization of Political Theory

exterior view of Foster Hall through tree branches

Fellows in the News: Winter 2023

exterior view of Foster Hall through tree branches

Fellows in the News: Summer 2022

black and white collage of image of police and crowds

Global Authoritarianisms

June 23-24. This conference explores the new forms of authoritarianism emerging worldwide.

New Department of Race, Diaspora, and Indigeneity at UChicago

image of Earth's western hemisphere from space

The Climate of History in a Planetary Age

portraits of Jonathan Levy, Adom Getachew, and Lisa Wedeen

3CT Fellows in the News: August 2021

Reconstructing Democracy: Tocqueville and Du Bois

play icon superimposed over a two-tone green image of a forest and cloudy sky

Video: Beyond the Electoral Moment

Single image with portraits of Lisa Wedeen, Adom Getachew, and William Mazzarella

3CT Fellows in the News: December 2020

black and white image of silhouetted figures of soldiers with guns with overlaying triangle cutout

Video: Stuart Schrader on Badges without Borders

repeated image of cover of Badges without Borders

Badges without Borders

Empire of Neglect

The Limits of Sovereignty as Responsibility

Worldmaking After Empire

W.E.B. Du Bois Workshop

Election 2020 Teach-in: Beyond the Electoral Moment

For the Many: On the Prospects of a Multiracial Populism

Election 2020 Teach-in: Popular Mobilization and Electoral Politics

Portrait of Adom Getachew

Adom Getachew