Ten Years On: Reflections on Mass Protests and Uprisings in the Arab World
Monday, January 25, 2021, 12:00-3:00pm CST

Join us at this two-part event by the collective project Ten Years On: Mass Protests and Uprisings in the Arab World, which is intended to herald the yearlong conversation and activities. Each of the panels will address reflections by the speakers on the politics and knowledge production related to the uprisings during the past ten years.
12:00pm CST — Part 1
Speakers: Amaney Jamal, Asli Bali, Rochelle Davis, Ahmad Dallal, Ziad Abu-Rish, Lina Abou Habib, Adam Hanieh, Rashid Khalidi
Moderator: Bassam Haddad
1:30pm CST — Part 2
Speakers: Bassam Haddad, Sherene Seikaly, Rabab Al-Mahdi, Muriam Haleh-Davis, Amr Adly, Nadje Al-Ali, Lisa Wedeen, Mohammed Bamyeh
Moderator: Amaney Jamal
Organized by the Arab Studies Institute, Princeton’s Arab Barometer, and George Mason’s Middle East and Islamic Studies Program.
Co-sponsored by Georgetown University (Center for Contemporary Arab Studies), American University of Beirut (Asfari Institute), Arab Council for the Social Sciences, Brown University (Center for Middle East Studies), UC Santa Barbara (Center for Middle East Studies), Harvard University (Center for Middle East Studies), University of Exeter (Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies), Birzeit University (Department of Political Science), University of Chicago (Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory), Stanford University (Program on Arab Reform and Democracy, Stanford University), AUC Affiliates, Georgetown University (Qatar) Center For International And Regional Studies (CIRS), The Global Academy (MESA Affiliated), Institute of Palestine Studies.