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purple and green texture

Tropical Marxism: Rethinking Marxism in the Shadow of Empire

March 1-2. This conference explores global attempts to rethink Marxism that respond to the specificities of a society.

exterior view of Foster Hall through tree branches

Fellows in the News: Fall 2023

Pixelated nondescript map

Combat Trauma

White and pink text and diagonal line over purple-tinted image of a machine

Introduction to Critical Social Theory

Composite photo of three portraits of people looking straight into camera

Announcing New 3CT Fellows

Head of person wearing black shirt standing in front of textured cream wall

Julian Go

monochrome image of police in riot gear overlaid with a triangular play symbol

Video: Julian Go on Policing Empires

Red monochrome image of police in riot gear.

Policing Empires: Race, Colonialism, and Militarized Power in the US and Britain

group of police in riot gear walking down city street followed by police vehiclees

The End of Policing? Rethinking Public Safety in a Time of Crisis

repeated image of cover of Badges without Borders

Badges without Borders