We don’t like to talk about it. We don’t like to think about it. So why not do both?! For the first meeting of Spring quarter, join Future Café for a discussion of the finality of death and the desire for the extension of life. Does death look the same in a far-off society? Will we deal with death in the same way, or will it become the next frontier humanity tries to conquer?
Come by for vibes, new quarter anxieties, and more! As always, if you’re interested helping to run this meeting, reach out to this year’s student coordinators, Jack and Liv: lm99@uchicago.edu or jcdemchak@uchicago.edu.
Future Café is a space for University of Chicago undergraduate students to think creatively, cooperatively, and radically about long-term futures. No prior knowledge of the topic of discussion is required, nor is there “homework.”
***Future Café events are open to all undergraduate students at the University of Chicago.*** To participate, register at the link above or join the Future Café mailing list and we’ll email you the Zoom link. Please email us if you require any accommodations to enable your full participation.