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Social Theory and Social Transformation: A Conference in Honor of William H. Sewell, Jr.

Global Crisis: Rethinking Economy and Society

Turns in the New Left

Critical Historical Studies

Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Work

The Arab Uprisings: Politics and Ethics in the Present

Critical Historical Studies Launch Party

Conversations in Contemporary Theory

Capitalism and Social Theory: a Conference in Memory of Moishe Postone

Moishe Postone Memorial

10 Years of Theory

The Concept of Capital and the Current State of Capitalism

Returning to Basics: Critique and Crisis

History, Social Theory, and Capitalism

The ongoing global economic crisis poses a serious challenge to our understanding of large-scale social processes and, hence, of our own historical circumstances. History, Social Theory, and Capitalism seeks to interrogate the relation of social and economic inquiry to changes in the large-scale configurations of society, economy and polity.