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The Future of Truth

Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 6:00–7:00pm

Foster 107

Future Café is a student-organized series that provides the opportunity and space for undergraduates to collectively imagine utopian possibilities and long-term futures. University of Chicago College students, please join us for our next meeting to discuss the future of truth over pizza, guacamole, and chips.

We live in a time of fishy facts and figures; outlandish (but maybe, sometimes true) claims; the oft-proclaimed (and lamented) death of local news; and increasingly convincing computer-generated content. We might find ourselves asking the questions “What should I believe? Who should I trust? What’s the truth?” Or “What will the future of truth look like?

How might we get our news in the far future? Who will write it? As we find our lives further mediated by digital technologies like social media and artificial intelligence will we be able to tell what is real? How?

Will we ever live in a post-truth era, or will some objective truth always hold sway? Would it even be bad to lose our sense of the truth? What kinds of political movements or collectives might we form without a shared truth?

This event is free and open to all University of Chicago undergraduate students; registration is recommended.