This winter quarter, Future Café delves into themes relating to the future of connection: exploring how humans relate to one another, to the technological, and to the natural. As our modes of communicating and conceiving of our world change, how will our understanding of interpersonal, interspecies, and intermedium discourse adapt? As a three-part series, Future Café meetings explore connection from vantage points that examine the future of human relationships with divinity, with other humans, and with systems of power.
January’s meeting takes on the subject of “The Sacred.” Will we find new gods in the next 100, 500, 1000 years? How might our changing planet, technological dreamscapes and (dis)embodied selves shift our relationship with the sacred? Please join us for pizza and conversation as we open the floor to collectively imagine utopian futures of divinity and long-term futuristic projects in examining what is holy, and why.
Future Café is open to all University of Chicago undergraduates.