Future Café is a student-organized series that provides the opportunity and space for undergraduates to collectively imagine utopian possibilities and long-term futures. University of Chicago College students, please join us for our next meeting to discuss the future of discourse over pizza, guacamole, and chips.
At a point of international political fragmentation, discourse remains as important as ever. Yet, we exist at an unprecedented intersection between burgeoning communities of digital communication and the democratization of information. How will these concepts interact with the future of discourse? In what ways (good? bad? neutral?) will they impact the future of societal expression?
We’ve already seen how modern discourse has shaped our relationship with media, but how will such discourse impact the language, syntax, and slang of the future? Will the future bring about a unified language of discourse or further divide us?
This event is free and open to all University of Chicago undergraduate students; registration is recommended.