***Please note the slightly different time than usual!***
Future Café is a student-organized series that provides the opportunity and space for undergraduates to collectively imagine utopian possibilities and long-term futures. University of Chicago College students, please join us for our next meeting to discuss the future of collectivity over pizza, guacamole, and chips.
More than ever, individuals, especially in the US, are spending increasing amounts of time alone, transforming not just our personal lives but also the shared identity of our communities and nation. In this moment when individualism and digital connections often overshadow the bonds that once connected us, we must imagine possible futures of collectivity that can redefine our understanding of belonging.
What social structures or practices might help foster meaningful, everyday relationships across differences? How can we balance the desire for personal autonomy with the need for shared responsibility and mutual care? While nostalgia for past models of collectivity—such as close-knit neighborhoods or community gatherings—may offer some guidance, how can we adapt these ideas to meet the challenges of modern life?
Can we create new models of collective action that address global challenges like climate change or political polarization while fostering local solidarity? What role do individuals play in shaping a culture of collectivity in their daily lives, and what systemic changes are needed to support these efforts? The future of collectivity lies in our ability to envision and build connections that bridge divides and empower communities.
This event is free and open to all University of Chicago undergraduate students; registration is recommended.