What are the ties that bind?
In the near and vastly distant future, how will our ways of connection evolve—our modes of housing, of childcare, of friendship?
Join Future Café for a bite as we ponder what community will look like and mean long after we’re gone.
Future Café is a student-organized series that provides the opportunity and space for undergraduates to collectively imagine utopian possibilities and long-term futures. What sort of ideas appeal in the present moment? What projects are already underway? What is neo-futurism, or futurology? What is the role of imagination in shaping politics, the environment, and social life? How might radical futures be brought into being?
Future Café events are open to all undergraduate students at the University of Chicago. No prior knowledge of the topic of discussion is required, nor is there “homework.”
This event is free and open to all University of Chicago undergraduate students. It will be held in person and registration is recommended.