Future Café is a space to think creatively, cooperatively, and radically about long-term futures. University of Chicago undergraduate students, please join us for our next meeting to discuss the future of nostalgia.
Nostalgia—a state of yearning for a past time. That time may be real or imagined, but the feeling is the same. How has the lack of new ideas and inspiration caused trends, beliefs, and systematic actions to progress more cyclically? As we move into the future, and as we see more generations romanticize their predecessors, what will nostalgia look and feel like? How will our present be remembered in the distant future, and how can nostalgia serve to make the world better?
Join Future Café for a conversation about the future of an imagined past (and Frank Ocean)!
Future Café events are open to all undergraduate students at the University of Chicago. No prior knowledge of the topic of discussion is required, nor is there “homework.”
This event is free and open to all University of Chicago undergraduate students. It will be held in person: capacity is limited, and registration is required.
Please note: This convening is open to all invitees who are compliant with UChicago vaccination requirements and, because of ongoing health risks, particularly to the unvaccinated, participants are expected to adopt the risk mitigation measures (masking and social distancing, etc.) appropriate to their vaccination status as advised by public health officials or to their individual vulnerabilities as advised by a medical professional. Public convening may not be safe for all and carries a risk for contracting COVID-19, particularly for those unvaccinated. Participants will not know the vaccination status of others and should follow appropriate risk mitigation measures.