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The Future of Utopia

Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 6:00–7:00pm

Foster 107

Future Café is a space to think creatively, cooperatively, and radically about long-term futures. University of Chicago undergraduate students, please join us for our next meeting to discuss the future of utopia.

Imagined worlds; possible realities. Is perfection something to desire? Is a utopia possible without imposing one’s will? In our current world, we strive for something more, something better. Join Future Café as we discuss the concept and road to potential utopias. What does utopia look like to us now? What will it look like to us in 10, 20, 100 years? Join the conversation over pizza and refreshments — all majors welcome.

Future Café events are open to all undergraduate students at the University of Chicago. No prior knowledge of the topic of discussion is required, nor is there “homework.”

This event is free and open to all University of Chicago undergraduate students. It will be held in person: capacity is limited, and registration is required.