Please join 3CT’s new venture into the future. Under the auspices of the Materializing the Future research project, Professors Shannon Dawdy and Bill Brown will facilitate the Future Café, a venue where students in the College can creatively and collaboratively imagine possibilities for the long term.
What is a Future Café? It is an experiment. It is an open-ended conversation. It is a chance to brainstorm and share ideas without evaluation. It is a place to eat cake. Based loosely on both 3CT’s successful Book Salon series and the global Death Café movement, the objective of this new recurring event is to provide opportunity and space for undergraduates to collectively imagine utopian possibilities and long-term futures. What sort of ideas appeal in the present moment? What projects are already underway? What is neo-futurism, or futurology? What is the role of imagination in shaping politics, the environment, and social life? How might radical futures be brought into being? Each café will have a general theme linked to an optional discussion piece such as a podcast, a piece of fiction or journalism, a film, or a museum exhibit.
Future Café will take place on the first Thursday of every month from 4:30-6:00 PM in Wilder House.
All undergraduates are welcome to participate. Registration is highly encouraged as seating is limited.