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Monday, September 19, 2022

Meet and Study in 3CT’s Lounge

3CT’s lounge on the first floor of Foster Hall is now available for use by students and faculty. This comfortable and quiet spot offers flexible seating and desk space, as well as a reading area and kitchenette.

Schedule a visit: The room is available to be booked for regular or one-off meetings, office hours, study sessions, or other individual or group usage (max. 10), Monday–Thursday, 9am–5pm, except when in use by a 3CT class.

Fall quarter bookings can now be made via Calendly. The lounge may also be available on an ad hoc basis when not otherwise occupied; see 3CT staff in Foster 105 for access.

Friday Open Study: During Fall 2022, we will trial weekly study sessions, beginning Friday, October 7, 10am–3pm. Students are invited to work in either the lounge or 3CT’s nearby seminar room, and we’ll provide coffee and snacks. No advance registration is required.

Please contact Ryan Eykholt, 3CT’s program coordinator, for more information.